Are you Emotionally Intelligent?

As staff come back into the workplace post pandemic, is it time to take stock and use our emotional intelligence? 

After two years out, bringing staff back into the workplace offers many challenges. For many, whether on furlough or working remotely, coming back into the office will require adjustments to their workspace, the way in which staff interact and possibly the job that they do. Getting them working as a motivated team is priority.

Communication is key. Start with team meetings, bringing people together where possible into the same room. While there may have been virtual meetings over the last few months, it may have been a while since they interacted in person they need to get to know each other again and catch up with personal news, give them time for this.

This meeting offers an opportunity to remind them of the company vision and purpose and the part they play in achieving business objectives, some of which may have changed over the past few months. Acknowledging changes that have been made, some which they may not be happy with. Share news and give them a feeling of belonging. 

Meet with all staff on a one-to-one basis. While this may be time consuming it is an opportunity to identify any issues which may be lurking just below the surface which could become a major problem the future, remember to actively listen to them. Being aware of the thoughts and feelings of others gives you an understanding of the overall mental health of your business. 

Those of my clients who have already followed this advice are seeing the rewards. Taking stock of the everyone’s emotional wellbeing. One company has introduced ‘stress risk assessments’ something we discussed a while ago now have an important part to play. 

With so much going on who is there for the owner/manager to turn to for psychological support, someone on their side supporting their decision making and mental health? Would they benefit from having a Mentor?

Get in touch to discuss how working with a Business Mentor can help you stay sane.


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