Our recent ‘Those Who Lead’ group meeting focused on the difference between acting in a leadership role and management. This topic had been previously identified, and highlighted to be explored in more detail.
Defining the role of a leader and separating it from the management role is not easy; most owners of small businesses constantly move between the two roles. It is common to get bogged down with the day-to-day running of a business, managing tasks, workflow, and people, making sure the wheels keep turning, and working in the management role.
As a business grows, a new layer can be introduced, middle management and supervisors can be brought in, people you can delegate to, enabling you to take a step back. This is when you should be able to act more in the leadership role. But how do you become a leader? What is expected of you, and how can you learn this new set of skills for the future success of your business?
It’s not so easy to switch mindset unless you consciously choose to do so and take steps to surround yourself with people who can support your development. A peer support group such as ‘Those Who Lead’ is ideal for nurturing leadership skills.
Setting time aside to think about the future of the business, embrace innovation, drive change, and think strategically are necessary in fulfilling the leadership role. While working with a business coach or mentor will help you shape your vision and goals, combining this with a group of other business owners with ideas and insights from a wide range of experiences which they are willing to share will help you become the leader you want to be.
Contact me to learn more about ‘Those Who Lead’ and how you can get involved.